2010年8月20日 星期五

Letter to her #7

Hey you:

This trip really turned out well! Got your nagging, traveler's diary and now rant from you! Who said we should progress slower? :P Okay gonna stop ticking you off, although hopefully you are reading this while in a better mood, or... I owe you a meal for all this teasing then. Honestly though, let's hope by the end of this mail you are going to feel a bit better (or if not, feel evil towards me and then beat me later!), albeit you already did recover at the end of your own writing!

Which got me to my next point, isn't it good to just have a "let go" area/person? It's a lot more efficient to type out our anxiety/fear/anger in word rather than looping it inside our head, it simply won't work and you would always end up wondering "why am I feeling like this?" I am sure after you wrote it out, you re-pictured the good and bad times you had while in Europe with your friend, and it seems at the end it was just a few fleeting seconds of discomfort with him right? That's the beauty of letting it out, we will realize how trivia those things actually were (can easily forget by a simple change of mind/perspective) and won't let such small thing disturb our good feelings!

Since you said he's more familiar with Europe, no wonder he's taking less interest in things than you are, but yeah... it's his bad, he should've realized it's your first time being there and should be a lot more tolerant, I am sure he didn't mean it badly though, probably wanted you to see "real amazing things" (that's amazing in his opinion) during your trip there, he probably meant well for you! So don't be too hard on him/yourself. By the way, as long as you felt those pictures are worth taking, just do it! That's what travelling's about, and remember our discussion about art in the previous email? Never felt stupid towards what you think is "pretty" or "uncommon" simply because these are all subjective! Why should we conform our standard to what other people think is interesting right? (Otherwise I would stop listening to Death-metal and you probably would've easily given up singing right?) If we have the passion/love for certain artistic thing, take your time, and enjoy it. (Glad you did at the end, great that you are having fun!)

For now, just have to work on letting these things affect you less and less or let the "cycle" go faster, you will be fine, I trust you.

About your Euro tickets, I really can't comment on anything, since there aren't any details, perhaps it's something to do with "internet booking"? 但其實我只想跟你說, 錢能解決的東西都不是問題 especially while traveling at such a far away place, if you got tricked, well... lesson learned and move on! (I.e. please don't let me fall victim as well, if I ever go Europe, or I'll make sure you are with me!!) so Don't feel silly of yourself, and please, never call yourself "stupid" we all make silly mistakes, there's no need to use such a degrading word on you.

Oh and, I am so happy to see you making a list of "positive" things for your friend, it simply makes all the situation a lot better if you look for it, again, like I said above, you will always face the negatives/positives, just have to remember that without either of these 2 extreme, we will never feel "happy" although it also confirms how fleeting happiness is, but it also means sadness could pass by quickly! So let's enjoy the moment of happiness while it last, and when sadness comes, let's just let it go as soon as possible.

To be honest.... I don't ever want to ask about your eating habit dear, because then I won't be eating your left over food !!
"It's a good habit, it's a good habit, it's a good habit x 1000" (tries to hypnotize Wendy) Jokes aside, I simply trust your choices most of the time, especially things concerning your overall-heath well-being, I am confident that you know what you are doing, and have total faith in you.

You've had a lot of nice traditional food already, why not try something a bit different, your stomach might cry a tear of joy anyway right? Beside, it's only 1 meal, don't really worry about it, as for the riverside view, I am sure it would also be interesting hearing from your mouth! (Nono, not because you are going to be beside me, I swear!) (Yes, I realize you can do the same thing on phone) Also, for the lack of Budapest postcards, the images on it are mass produced right? I wouldn't mind images from "Wendy brand", it's the real unique and one of the kind image that could only exist in your camera. So post card or not, as long as you brought home a lot of happy memories and are willing to share with me, I am fine! (Still thank you for the ones you've already sent, I've never received postcards in my life before ha!)

I might not 100% always be here physically (as evident from today's offline message while you weren't feeling too nice, or the late reply of text), but like I said, if I am capable to, I will be there in person. I don't think I have to explain where my heart is 繫 on most of the time!

I don't know if what I wrote above offered you a different perspective for things... or simply annoyed you more, because I wasn't put in the same situation but offering a lot of random "advices" I can honestly tell you though these would've been the mind-set of me if I was put in similar situation!

I just finished eating the whole bottle of 煉乳 (contains 3200 calories in total) but I had to finish it... otherwise I'll be dreaming about it every night!! Yes this is getting into a nagging of my daily life soon, so I am going to stop, and let's share these while you are in London, hopefully can call you via Skype.

Look forward for you, not just in London, not just in Aus not just anywhere, but everywhere too :).


P.S. Man, we will laugh a lot when we come back and read these emails in a few month, should be very interesting right?

P.P.S. I really want to say <3 you.

2010年8月9日 星期一

Letter to her #6

Hey you:

I think instead of notice, you should've put "Warning, the following is the perfect example of ELTS 6 :), because you did get your pass port! Ha! Kidding!" but please.... I am begging... at least give me paragraphs! (My only complain to you so far this trip, even though I am not on board ha!)

Granted this is more Wendlish than English, but as the fore-most expert on this particular... study! (as well as being the first only TWnese) I think I can still guesstimate (hint, this is not a real word) most of it. (Okay I promise from now on I am not gonna rip on your English in this email ha.)

Well, the fact that you are doing things differently, should be the best indication to you that you've changed, don't worry if you felt it's too "tiny" or if you felt it only modifies a little bit, you've just started changing a few months ago right? Give it time, I don't think I have to mention what position I would play during your evolution right? First I'll be that crazy nagging one, then silent listening one, then make you laugh one, then keep you company one, liking/missing/<3 you one and most importantly, white-wood one.

To be honest, it shouldn't be "Act like something, if you are doing something" for me at least. It's always been "At what stage of life, do what type of action"

Sometimes, when you know the time's not right/you aren't ready for something... don't force yourself to do it, or try and and "act like something" that you are not okay? Like you said, you will only ever get limited result if you didn't want to do it. :) We can only start learning about ourselves/what we want to do via knowing our limitations and accepting it.

To be honest, you coped with this teenage sullen stage (observation and guess for yours) a lot more active than I did, while you chose to actually achieve things on your priority list, I chose to sit there and let the world deal with itself, I believed that everything would eventually end... so there really isn't any point in doing anything, also... I just got into the beginning of Buddhism, which talked about more than 1 life, Karma, the concept of "nothingness" made me even more pessimistic about my own life. (perfect example of not being ready, and getting knowledge that aren't designed for my metal acceptance yet.)

But hey, we all got through right? and you turned into this wonderful person (don't you dare argue) that I like so much. And you still want to improve! Yay!

Hopefully our connection is bringing you new type of joy in life, for me, it's simply nice to know there's a person I care for having fun right at this moment, and that person cared about me while she's having fun. Of course, another simple joy came from looking at new things/situations/foods, and imagining what the other person would react to them. Best of all, I can hope and plan for future(yeah yeah yeah I am talking about future, bite me!) fun activities with her, travel, music, books, food etc.

To put it in the simplest way, I want you to know that you are fantastic just as who you are, your true self (no-one can show 100%, but you know what I mean here) there's no need to put extra set of camouflages or extra "layers" on top of who you are. Be more and more confident dear, I like, I miss, I want to spend time with that one true person that's inside/beyond/is Wendy.

Names/Families/Degrees/Positions etc. they are important while you want to survive(keyword) in the real world, but when we are together, let's just let our brains shut down and communicate with hearts it's simply a really good rest within this (pretty, albeit kind o messed up) world isn't it!

Ultimately, I just want you to be happy, and be yourself, there will be a lot of conflicts between "true self" and "society self" in the future, but finding a balance between it would always be our task, in fact, if you are living, you will always be trying to solve this puzzle. For now, I know I am totally comfortable, and look forward to spend any amount of time with you.

You were on a rail and you lost your track of thoughts?... Okay this is again getting no where, since we don't have a rail or track to let the train go on... the train's thought... get it?? I give up! So how exactly do you look at other people's food again? Miss Locker :P

The 4 steps... does it really make sense to you? Face it, Solve it, Drop it then Accept it?? What's to accept after you dropped it :P I would just do it Carnegie's way.

1: Imagine worst situation
2: Accept it
3: See if I can improve upon it
4: If can't, drop it, next question!

Other than wasting a box of tissue of yours, and screwing up the timing of telling you those "points" on MSN while in US... I had no regret for what I had typed to you :), you know I am cruel in certain ways. Upsetting you was never my intention, but you have to know that since we decided to be as truthful to one another as possible, it's going to be inevitable, but I will be more thoughtful next time, promise. I really, really dislike making you upset. "Best medicine taste bitter" but at least I could give it to you after you've had nice Pineapple/peaches or honey cake or something right? :)

I am dragging on again, but knowing that for every 1 less word I type, would be that 1 less second that I am imagining communicating with you... please forgive me for making this so long! Okay, time out, even I felt sicken by this sentence ha!! What exactly am I thinking!!!

I appreciate who you are/going to be, I respect who you are/going to be, I enjoy who you are/going to be, I support who you are/going to be and of course, I like you.


P.S. You've been Europeanized! (I.E. English!)

P.P.S. Okok I already pinched myself for making fun of your email again... I am sorry!


Letter to her #5

Hey you:

Disclaimer: This letter, other than 2nd paragraph, is filled with an amazing amount of abstract idea from a person that can't publish a book (I.e. he sucked, and chained a lot of silly ideas together) So, I really don't mind if you pretend this email don't' exist ha!

Finally! An email! (albeit no beginning and ending titles :P) from you that's a lot more touristy! These are perfect for the back of the post cards, since well... other than offering you some random facts about the country you've been to I really can't express myself further from this email ha! (I.E. This is good 流水帳ha!)

So yeah, it's not suprising that the city, although being a Slovakia's Capital, doesn't have many distinct culture of it's own, since the country's population is separated as 42% German, 41% Hungarian and 15% Slovak population, guess that's why the building is a mixture of European cultures, but the most interesting fact is, only poor people move to Slovakia during that time, perhaps that's also why none of the buildings are as glamorous as it could've been. Another fun fact is that Vienna took the "Crown Jewel" (Crown of Jesus) in 1783 in an attempt to strengthen the union between Austria and Hungary. Also most of their buildings were demolished during the WW2 bombing by the allies. Yep, they speak a mixture of Hungarian, German and Slovaki however Hungarian is their official government language.

I would've thought it might remind you of 圓明園 in China? Both being destroyed, although 圓明園 probably had a lot more interesting "left overs" with burnt marks and of course, the culture background of ours, guess that would also ignite the passion for our own distinct culture being destroyed. (Yes yes I realize 圓明園 is also a mixture of Western/Eastern design.) For me, I would've felt less sympathy/interest in the ruins of Bratislava, simply because it's a lot more distant in terms of both history and culture.

Isn't it amazing how a 2 hour train could take you to a completely different world? It really puts the "Walk a few steps aside, and then 海闊天空" in context, a simple change in location brought about such subtle change to your traveling experience, and to put it in a more... abstract term, a simple change in how you look at things, from a different perspective, then your experiences would be totally different as well, and hopefully giving you more comfort in the things that happened/happening/will happen.

We really are lucky to have traveled to so many different places at such young age... only by comparing, could we ever realize how good/bad our lives really are at this moment, I am sure this traveling experience would help shape you into a different person, giving you more and more understanding of the world as a whole, rather than just a few countries. Of course, seeing everything with your eyes is way different than reading/watching it (Except Wikipedia! Ha!)

Reading about your appreciation for "destroyed beauty" really showed how subjective arts are, and pretty much everything that's an expression of human emotions... can't be measured in a true and fair way, we all get different type of epiphany while looking at a piece of art work. At the end, I am glad that you enjoyed the less glamorous part of this trip :), it really showed that travelling with you will always be fun. After all, like we talked about on MSN, everything is an experience right? Unless you are dragging me to eat TWnese while in Antarctica or something, then I would get angry!! I want to eat penguins.

Lastly (yes yes, you sighed a relief, I know, I don't know how I managed to write so much abstract craps from a "fact" letter from you ha!) we could only appreciate the beauty of a "whole" building if we've seen it blown apart. We only ever learn about appreciation after something had been taken away from us. So.... London and Budapest should be super pretty for you now, relatively!

Took a look at Budapest's riverside night-sight, really awesome! It's very similar to SH's one, will show you some pictures.

Looks like it's time for movie, so I am gonna stop here... I know I've typed too much already XD.

Long-windedly (This is not a real word)

P.S. I got a feeling you are challenging me to see how long I could write based on what you sent me :P

2010年8月6日 星期五

Review of this Taiwan trip.

US trip:


Experienced what it’s like living in luxury, with branded cloth, accessories and household items, including top of line technologies, spacious living areas, clean communities and of course, cars! Guess that’s people’s definition of achieving the “American Dream?” a measure of success?

It’s pretty materialistic, and requires an enormous upkeep for this type of life, for example, my cousin’s paying $900 US a month just for air conditions! That’s the price you pay for having it on for a whole day.

That’s the life I crave for I guess, and I got to admit, I do want to live like that, perhaps it’s time to move to US? Or simply try and be as rich as possible.


Total opposite of Houston, granted uncle’s rich as well, but apart from his house, you will never be able to tell he’s actually financially capable, his life is the simplest form for everything, caveman like almost, ha! However within the simplicity, there are lessons to be learned about, well, how to live comfortably with yourself after retirement.

Waking up at 6am, eat super healthy none-oiled food, daily exercise consist of swimming and tennis, of course… the infamous stealing WiFi from neighbor! Or in the middle of the road. It was ritual of life for him, and I guess this is how you keep yourself sane during the super free period of retirement.

But going to a club to swim, play tennis and train in gyms… that’s the life I could go for, perhaps not during retirement but while working… kids are starting to sound like really dumb ideas now ha! I still think of my time as the more important one.


It showed the normal life of living in a commercialized city, people move fast, but patiently and politely, it’s a very educated and well-mannered city basically a matured version of what the developing countries should be. Honestly there aren’t many things to say about this city as it’s just so… typical, and you can see this type of stereo type in any of the Hollywood movies, blockbuster books and of course video games. I do intend to work/live/study there though… the weather’s perfect, love the western feels too.

SH trip:

Met up with 2 year long friend :), got to say he hasn’t changed at all, except richer! It’s nice to see that the crazy city of SH haven’t changed him at all, or perhaps he’s simply a good adapter to the environment or maybe rich people have it a lot better in SH (which is what I observed). You could be eating at the top of the best restaurant in SH, seeing glamorous people chatting with one another, ordering fine cuisines from all over the world and purchasing luxuries from famous brands, yet, just outside of this building, you will see people showering on the street, handicapped beggars and of curse orphans.

I guess that’s the cruelty of opportunities.

You either survive or you lose everything, here aren’t “mediocre” in this city, it’s a jungle where weak get eaten. But do I want to try my luck there?! Fuck yeah.

The girls there are pretty awesome too, granted too tall for me :P, guess I should either get a new set of legs (i.e. a fancy car) or simply become rich enough. That’s the reality right? Love the boobs

Oh, and the fucking expo sucks.

HK trip:

Nothing special really, it taught me the life of living as a paid-employee within a huge organization, not a good way of earning money, but that’s how we all got to start. Unavoidable “socializing” (which is fun at my current understanding, shouting with them, drinking and simply errr talking none-sense.) this would probably make my future wife really angry: P, of course, unless I am bringing back a lot of cash! It’s an inevitable step of becoming rich and successful I guess, you just have to get used to it, and try to find people that you could trust within the group and people you could only “play” with, seeking out a true business partner is the true essence of these social events.

Working experiences:

Nothing much really, pretty much the standards that I had expected from reading/hearing and simulating other people’s experiences, just a stage that I have to go through, but working 1 week for 3 months experiences with “oversea” business consultations :), probably one of the best “reap” from what I well, didn’t “sow” ha!


Honestly, I am becoming more and more materialistic, granted I could still wear the 100NT cloths as night cloth and eat 50NT bento, but now I am expecting qualities from what I paid for, I don’t necessarily going to restrict my shopping pools to a specific range or ever put a restriction on the price of food, but now I understand that if you are earning a certain amount of money, you should be living in that certain standard. I could kneel to Calvin Klein!! Hail to Lee!! Salutation to Armani Exchange and of course god I love BVLGARI.

Changing of value:

Well for one 散仙態度 is gone, thanks to her (damn I wasn’t going to mention her until the very end), getting even more humble, listening to other people’s opinion, learned about not having to give an answer, and of course not mixing work and relationship together.

Road experiences:

Learned a bit more in US, got shout at in TC, fuck Panasonic GPS and man I want to drive.

Spiritual experiences:

Again, MR Chang showed me a lot of amazing things, I haven’t been the firmest doubter of these types of experiences but now I am kind of losing all my doubts.

Future goals:

Short terms:

1: Find a house in Sydney, live with sister maybe? Hopefully could be close to work, if not, car!

2: Car, probably have to start looking as soon as back to Canberra, something that saves fuels, or just steal it from brother.

3: Jobs, of course :), don’t really care what type it is, as long as it provide CPA qualified experiences. I got to eat with her right? Beside, this would keep parents really rich for a while.

4: Oversea trips, I do want to go with her.

Long terms:

1: CPA 3 years baby :), hopefully I could get it, and I must get it.
2: MBA in Chicago after 3 years
3: Trips oversea (hopefully she’s still around me… I really hope so)

Distant plans:

1: Army enlist vs Oversea.


You thought I have forgotten about her right? :P, but honestly… I could write a lot of reasons as to why she’s amazing, and a million reasons as to why I like her, but none explains it better than this single sentence.

I think about her everywhere I go now.

2010年8月1日 星期日

Letter to her #4

Hey you:

沒想到妳回的那麼快, thanks! telepathy failed me! but looks like Telepathy won't haha! If you get this joke, I owe you a coffee :).

其實, 能夠看到妳的消息跟字我也是非常的高興 (but please don't feel 妳必須喔 有時間再說!), they are just comforting for me. 但別擔心, 我不會沒收到妳的消息就整個人一天沒精神, 妳影響力夠 but never in negative ways, for me.

花了一整天自己一個人在台北, 把該做的事情都辦好後, 就自己一個人隨處亂逛亂吃, 很自由, 一個人的感覺是又回來了. 但是... (這是很typical 的自尋煩惱) 還是會想念妳的聲音, 妳陪在旁邊的身影, 妳的一舉一動. 雖然知道這樣最後是會讓自己稍微的遺憾, 可是怎可能不想妳呢? 而且想妳時所帶來的安心與快樂感, it's really worth it.

拿眼鏡想說順便A 一點contacts ha! 就知道買大東西 + 想說"我特地苗栗上來幫朋友拿ㄟ!!" 可以要點東西哈!. 可惜中央圖書館沒有我爸要的Journals, too bad, but no free wireless?! That was pretty bad. 很多高中生都在推銷"手工"小皮包 at 火車站... I usually just ask their phone numbers ha! Scares them away! 真有給的,就捐給旁邊的 ha!

很高興我是妳的someone now, 我會好好的保護住這一個榮幸, 好好的陪在妳身邊, 說過很多次...對妳的好...是起自於珍惜, 這幾天可能沒有那麼的純粹, 但相信我已經想通了. 其實...跟之前說的一樣, 前幾天只是想要一些"promise" 來安撫我心理的不安全感, 因為...有時候真的怕妳會就走了, 現在不需要了 :), 能陪妳多久就多久 and 好好的喜歡妳就好, 自自然然的發產八. 希望我們之間...可以好好的保持這一份有點傻, 有點過時, 但現代人非常缺乏的這種..."害羞"感.

一快起來...就真的會比較不珍惜一個人/東西... perhaps 現在的"速食"真的把我們的"anticipation/tolerance"搞的很低...太輕易了...就不珍惜了... 我不想這樣, 我不敢想像哪一天我不注重妳了, 我也不想考慮自己太多, 但...有時候還是一定會亂的, because you are gorgeous (want to see how many 同意字I can think of to describe you?!), so please, do hit me.

當妳的someone, I'll 努力讓妳覺得I am more than someone :), that's a promise, 因為妳對我來說...是unique someone. (eccentrically?! kidding :P ) 我知道我們都是喜歡自由的...但...我可以為了妳妥協...真的, 現在, 跟以後 (我沒在說謊).

I want to be yours.

一起八, 我相信我沒那麼差八 right? 三天黏在一起, GPS/Rain/Heavy bags, 妳都沒對我兇過. 謝謝妳. and sorry 讓妳累/氣到了!

約好去Sydney Hunter's valley bah, for now, and end of year, let's see if we can meet at HK, SG or just TW, I know it's too early to say this, but why not right?.

跟妳說, 我知道我的email 會跟我實際上見面的行為有出入...但是我心裏是真的這樣想的. 請原諒一個想在自己喜歡的女生面前表現的白痴八, 有時候會說不該說的話, 做不該做的事... or 少懂了一些事情. 請包容一下! 我已經很努力的在學習了! (先說好, 我完全不累... so ... sorry to you!)

每次想說"I must keep this email short"... 都失敗了哈哈...真的每次跟妳說話就有很多事情可以說,很多心理的話都可以講.

偷偷跟妳說...有時候打電話給妳並不是有什麼要說的, 只是想聽聽妳的聲音,有時候會想說 "約的都很formal...應該頂多聊個20 minutes bah?" but...自自然然的就...以我們的電話費養一家中華電信!


P.S. 希望妳已經買了件厚外套了, 看起來是早晚溫差很大, 自己好好注意, rather not be cold than not carrying "heavy" cloth right?

P.P.S 我寫給妳是很自然的一件事, so 有時候不一定會等妳回信的, 通常都是..一有想法就打到Itouch 上面晚上整理一下之類的.