2010年8月20日 星期五

Letter to her #7

Hey you:

This trip really turned out well! Got your nagging, traveler's diary and now rant from you! Who said we should progress slower? :P Okay gonna stop ticking you off, although hopefully you are reading this while in a better mood, or... I owe you a meal for all this teasing then. Honestly though, let's hope by the end of this mail you are going to feel a bit better (or if not, feel evil towards me and then beat me later!), albeit you already did recover at the end of your own writing!

Which got me to my next point, isn't it good to just have a "let go" area/person? It's a lot more efficient to type out our anxiety/fear/anger in word rather than looping it inside our head, it simply won't work and you would always end up wondering "why am I feeling like this?" I am sure after you wrote it out, you re-pictured the good and bad times you had while in Europe with your friend, and it seems at the end it was just a few fleeting seconds of discomfort with him right? That's the beauty of letting it out, we will realize how trivia those things actually were (can easily forget by a simple change of mind/perspective) and won't let such small thing disturb our good feelings!

Since you said he's more familiar with Europe, no wonder he's taking less interest in things than you are, but yeah... it's his bad, he should've realized it's your first time being there and should be a lot more tolerant, I am sure he didn't mean it badly though, probably wanted you to see "real amazing things" (that's amazing in his opinion) during your trip there, he probably meant well for you! So don't be too hard on him/yourself. By the way, as long as you felt those pictures are worth taking, just do it! That's what travelling's about, and remember our discussion about art in the previous email? Never felt stupid towards what you think is "pretty" or "uncommon" simply because these are all subjective! Why should we conform our standard to what other people think is interesting right? (Otherwise I would stop listening to Death-metal and you probably would've easily given up singing right?) If we have the passion/love for certain artistic thing, take your time, and enjoy it. (Glad you did at the end, great that you are having fun!)

For now, just have to work on letting these things affect you less and less or let the "cycle" go faster, you will be fine, I trust you.

About your Euro tickets, I really can't comment on anything, since there aren't any details, perhaps it's something to do with "internet booking"? 但其實我只想跟你說, 錢能解決的東西都不是問題 especially while traveling at such a far away place, if you got tricked, well... lesson learned and move on! (I.e. please don't let me fall victim as well, if I ever go Europe, or I'll make sure you are with me!!) so Don't feel silly of yourself, and please, never call yourself "stupid" we all make silly mistakes, there's no need to use such a degrading word on you.

Oh and, I am so happy to see you making a list of "positive" things for your friend, it simply makes all the situation a lot better if you look for it, again, like I said above, you will always face the negatives/positives, just have to remember that without either of these 2 extreme, we will never feel "happy" although it also confirms how fleeting happiness is, but it also means sadness could pass by quickly! So let's enjoy the moment of happiness while it last, and when sadness comes, let's just let it go as soon as possible.

To be honest.... I don't ever want to ask about your eating habit dear, because then I won't be eating your left over food !!
"It's a good habit, it's a good habit, it's a good habit x 1000" (tries to hypnotize Wendy) Jokes aside, I simply trust your choices most of the time, especially things concerning your overall-heath well-being, I am confident that you know what you are doing, and have total faith in you.

You've had a lot of nice traditional food already, why not try something a bit different, your stomach might cry a tear of joy anyway right? Beside, it's only 1 meal, don't really worry about it, as for the riverside view, I am sure it would also be interesting hearing from your mouth! (Nono, not because you are going to be beside me, I swear!) (Yes, I realize you can do the same thing on phone) Also, for the lack of Budapest postcards, the images on it are mass produced right? I wouldn't mind images from "Wendy brand", it's the real unique and one of the kind image that could only exist in your camera. So post card or not, as long as you brought home a lot of happy memories and are willing to share with me, I am fine! (Still thank you for the ones you've already sent, I've never received postcards in my life before ha!)

I might not 100% always be here physically (as evident from today's offline message while you weren't feeling too nice, or the late reply of text), but like I said, if I am capable to, I will be there in person. I don't think I have to explain where my heart is 繫 on most of the time!

I don't know if what I wrote above offered you a different perspective for things... or simply annoyed you more, because I wasn't put in the same situation but offering a lot of random "advices" I can honestly tell you though these would've been the mind-set of me if I was put in similar situation!

I just finished eating the whole bottle of 煉乳 (contains 3200 calories in total) but I had to finish it... otherwise I'll be dreaming about it every night!! Yes this is getting into a nagging of my daily life soon, so I am going to stop, and let's share these while you are in London, hopefully can call you via Skype.

Look forward for you, not just in London, not just in Aus not just anywhere, but everywhere too :).


P.S. Man, we will laugh a lot when we come back and read these emails in a few month, should be very interesting right?

P.P.S. I really want to say <3 you.

