2010年8月6日 星期五

Review of this Taiwan trip.

US trip:


Experienced what it’s like living in luxury, with branded cloth, accessories and household items, including top of line technologies, spacious living areas, clean communities and of course, cars! Guess that’s people’s definition of achieving the “American Dream?” a measure of success?

It’s pretty materialistic, and requires an enormous upkeep for this type of life, for example, my cousin’s paying $900 US a month just for air conditions! That’s the price you pay for having it on for a whole day.

That’s the life I crave for I guess, and I got to admit, I do want to live like that, perhaps it’s time to move to US? Or simply try and be as rich as possible.


Total opposite of Houston, granted uncle’s rich as well, but apart from his house, you will never be able to tell he’s actually financially capable, his life is the simplest form for everything, caveman like almost, ha! However within the simplicity, there are lessons to be learned about, well, how to live comfortably with yourself after retirement.

Waking up at 6am, eat super healthy none-oiled food, daily exercise consist of swimming and tennis, of course… the infamous stealing WiFi from neighbor! Or in the middle of the road. It was ritual of life for him, and I guess this is how you keep yourself sane during the super free period of retirement.

But going to a club to swim, play tennis and train in gyms… that’s the life I could go for, perhaps not during retirement but while working… kids are starting to sound like really dumb ideas now ha! I still think of my time as the more important one.


It showed the normal life of living in a commercialized city, people move fast, but patiently and politely, it’s a very educated and well-mannered city basically a matured version of what the developing countries should be. Honestly there aren’t many things to say about this city as it’s just so… typical, and you can see this type of stereo type in any of the Hollywood movies, blockbuster books and of course video games. I do intend to work/live/study there though… the weather’s perfect, love the western feels too.

SH trip:

Met up with 2 year long friend :), got to say he hasn’t changed at all, except richer! It’s nice to see that the crazy city of SH haven’t changed him at all, or perhaps he’s simply a good adapter to the environment or maybe rich people have it a lot better in SH (which is what I observed). You could be eating at the top of the best restaurant in SH, seeing glamorous people chatting with one another, ordering fine cuisines from all over the world and purchasing luxuries from famous brands, yet, just outside of this building, you will see people showering on the street, handicapped beggars and of curse orphans.

I guess that’s the cruelty of opportunities.

You either survive or you lose everything, here aren’t “mediocre” in this city, it’s a jungle where weak get eaten. But do I want to try my luck there?! Fuck yeah.

The girls there are pretty awesome too, granted too tall for me :P, guess I should either get a new set of legs (i.e. a fancy car) or simply become rich enough. That’s the reality right? Love the boobs

Oh, and the fucking expo sucks.

HK trip:

Nothing special really, it taught me the life of living as a paid-employee within a huge organization, not a good way of earning money, but that’s how we all got to start. Unavoidable “socializing” (which is fun at my current understanding, shouting with them, drinking and simply errr talking none-sense.) this would probably make my future wife really angry: P, of course, unless I am bringing back a lot of cash! It’s an inevitable step of becoming rich and successful I guess, you just have to get used to it, and try to find people that you could trust within the group and people you could only “play” with, seeking out a true business partner is the true essence of these social events.

Working experiences:

Nothing much really, pretty much the standards that I had expected from reading/hearing and simulating other people’s experiences, just a stage that I have to go through, but working 1 week for 3 months experiences with “oversea” business consultations :), probably one of the best “reap” from what I well, didn’t “sow” ha!


Honestly, I am becoming more and more materialistic, granted I could still wear the 100NT cloths as night cloth and eat 50NT bento, but now I am expecting qualities from what I paid for, I don’t necessarily going to restrict my shopping pools to a specific range or ever put a restriction on the price of food, but now I understand that if you are earning a certain amount of money, you should be living in that certain standard. I could kneel to Calvin Klein!! Hail to Lee!! Salutation to Armani Exchange and of course god I love BVLGARI.

Changing of value:

Well for one 散仙態度 is gone, thanks to her (damn I wasn’t going to mention her until the very end), getting even more humble, listening to other people’s opinion, learned about not having to give an answer, and of course not mixing work and relationship together.

Road experiences:

Learned a bit more in US, got shout at in TC, fuck Panasonic GPS and man I want to drive.

Spiritual experiences:

Again, MR Chang showed me a lot of amazing things, I haven’t been the firmest doubter of these types of experiences but now I am kind of losing all my doubts.

Future goals:

Short terms:

1: Find a house in Sydney, live with sister maybe? Hopefully could be close to work, if not, car!

2: Car, probably have to start looking as soon as back to Canberra, something that saves fuels, or just steal it from brother.

3: Jobs, of course :), don’t really care what type it is, as long as it provide CPA qualified experiences. I got to eat with her right? Beside, this would keep parents really rich for a while.

4: Oversea trips, I do want to go with her.

Long terms:

1: CPA 3 years baby :), hopefully I could get it, and I must get it.
2: MBA in Chicago after 3 years
3: Trips oversea (hopefully she’s still around me… I really hope so)

Distant plans:

1: Army enlist vs Oversea.


You thought I have forgotten about her right? :P, but honestly… I could write a lot of reasons as to why she’s amazing, and a million reasons as to why I like her, but none explains it better than this single sentence.

I think about her everywhere I go now.

